With deep revolutionary anger we reject and condemn the new McCarthyist, inquisitorial and anti-people law, which was approved by Congress and slavishly promulgated by the Executive, which corroborates in the eyes of the peoples of the world the general crisis of the outdated Peruvian State. Not only is it the political persecution, for ideological reasons, of Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, Gonzalo Thought and other people’s organisations, but they also seek to establish a precedent for the legal disappearance of the remains of human beings that they consider to be “enemies”, as they have already done with the 200,000 so-called “forced disappearances” in the 4,000 clandestine graves of exclusive State authorship, through its genocidal armed forces, today perversely taking advantage of the death of the most important person in contemporary History.

In this way, it is the State itself that destroys its so-called “rule of law” to impose “criminal lay of the enemy”. The much-proclaimed “democracy”, unmasked as the right of those who rule the country, today is naked showing its purulent entrails capable of aberrations such as those they did with Tupac Amaru in the independence process, aberrations that were believed to have been overcome by History.

It is not “social peace” they seek, but the preservation of an oppressive and exploitative order, rotten with corruption, which has been allowing the great bourgeoisie to have its coffers overflowing with profits at the cost of the poverty and misery of millions of Peruvians. And they want that to continue like this forever!

The unbreakable morality of Chairman Gonzalo, after 29 years imprisoned in conditions of torture with absolute isolation and deprived of all his rights, is what the ultra-right-wing and its servile men have not put up with. Now they are ordering him to be cremated “legally”, as they did before with the masses in Los Cabitos, Accomarca and “Pentagonito” barracks, in the poor peasant communities and in so many places that still remain unidentified.

And because of Fujimorism and its ultra-right neoliberal allies, this law was promoted by the prosecutor of the starving and genocidal government of the corrupt suicide García Pérez, to which the majority of the bourgeois left again allied, reverenced to this putrid order.

Finally, the one who was elected by the people as president, unable to go against the ultra-right-wing proclivities, has printed his signature, confirming an enormous infamy, and establishing for the mediate perspective a devastation of the rights of the people, whom they will accuse, under any pretext, of “terrorism” and “treason”, or they will invent one more “crime” on their list to appease the unstoppable class struggle.

Each one is historically located. Nothing is finished. The counterrevolution may make his body disappear today, but History and the people will be the future judges of their malevolent crimes. In the historical memory of the revolutionary peoples of the world, Abimael Guzmán Reinoso will live forever.

September 18, 2021
Comité Nacional de Prisioneros Políticos y de Guerra del Perú
